Spit is fine if you plan to shoot right after you load, if you are hunting, you need a lube...For 25 years or so I used SnoSeal as a lube and it worked pretty well...Last year I made a batch of the lube you are talking about and it seems to work even better as an insulator and retards patch burn out...I paid $10 for a pound of bees wax from Hobby Lobby, some guys have access to a local beekeeper and can buy cheaper, I have also heard of some buying a 2oz container from a plumbers store...If you use 2 oz bees wax and 8 0z Castor Oil and 1 oz of Murphy's Oil soap, you will end up with almost a pint jar of lube, which will last a pretty good while...I figure I have enough bees wax to last me a few years...
The SnoSeal got pretty runny in the summer, this mix is harder and works fine for me down here in NC...If you want it softer you can remelt and add more Castor Oil...
I put a measuring cup in an electric fry pan that had about 2 inches of water in it, I then started cutting off bees wax and letting it melt until I had about 2 oz melted, then I added the other ingredients and let it remelt and mix...Then I poured some in tins and the rest in a pint jar and put a lid on it for later use...
To apply, take a putty knife and apply to both side of your pillow ticking, I usually cut mine about 2 feet long and a inch and a half wide...If you put newspapers under the ticking you don't make a mess...Then roll up the lubed ticking, put on a paper plate and microwave on high for about 20-25 seconds, this helps melt and distribute the lube through the ticking...
I'd look for the sights at Track on the Wolf...