They are good barrels, there aren't too many bad aftermarket barrel makers out there. I think you might be reading into what I've said too much. I've used Broughton and Krieger, and have a couple of buddies that have run Bartleins. I also have a couple of buddies that run Shilens with good results. I've played with a rebarreled 300WM 700P that had a Hart tube on it, shot great as well. I've also got a chance to shoot a couple of Pac-Nors, and one Rock Creek barreled rifle, none of which shot bad at all. A lot of other factors go into accurate rifles after the barrel. Action truing, bedding, trigger and stock rigidity/ergonomics all have some say in it as well. If you get a good gunsmith they should be able to get most any aftermarket barreled rifle to shoot well. My last rebarrel/action job was done by Ray Bowman who swears by Broughtons, and he's built some F-class record holders with them. Most good gunsmiths have their preferences as do shooters.
You really can't go wrong with a L-W, I'm just saying that I'd prefer others...maybe its because of what I've seen win matches.