The amply endowed gentleman is unknown to me. He is not standing by Kismet. That cannon if I remember correctly when I asked, is at a fort (?) in New Hampshire (?).
What exactly would you like me to, "narrow down a bit"? You know what the Lion's Paw looks like. It is being discharged in the single image of it. Other than that?
I can only ID a few of them, since I've only met them once and that was in Massachussetts where I dragged my cannon for them. Kismet wasn't there.
In the background are probably men from TX, TN, AR, CT, PA, NH, MA, VA, ME, NJ as far as I can recall. That where they were from for that weekend. Don't ask me which ones. I only met them once and won't see them again. I'm not into reenacting or SCA and playing dress-up. I'm only a guy who owns a couple of full size cannons and the group only has Kismet.
Kismet is the only bronze on the website and the carriage appears blue in the photographs. It is 2.25" and was cast in Coolville, Ohio.
I forged mine in Arkville, New York. Talk about living rural? Is Lincoln still President?
Ask Rick Orli; he'll be happy to tell you, exactly where it was cast.