Gentlemen, I have owned just about all the cartridges mentioned here. I don't believe any have any magic over another. The law of physics is fixed generally. I have enjoyed shooting every firearm that I have owned - even the dogs and heavy kickers. The budget and the expensive. Of the short mags, I was partial to a Remington 700 300 SAUM that I owned a couple years ago just because it was versatile, easy to load, and extremely accurate. A friend now has it as he decided he could not live without it. I currently am downsizing my weapons ready for retirement. My currrent rifle/shotgun battery is a Ruger #1 in 300 WIn Mag, Remington model 7 in .308 with a Shilen barrel. Ruger #1 SS in 22-250, Remington 788 in 223, Ruger 77/22 K Hornet, A few contender/Encore barrels, and of course several 22's, a weatherby orion 12 guage, Benelli Super Black Eagle, Marlin lever action 45/70 & 44 mag, a custom Rem 700 .308 SS. You will notice after all my years of playing with most of the best of the best I have settled on the standard calibers. I have hunted Elk to gound squirrels from east to west. I never had occassion to blame my weapons. I have always been appreciative of the opportunity I have had in the "woods" with friends and family. I have felt blessed to have the opportunity of the variety of weapons/cartridges and the priviledge of owning them for a season here in the good old USA.
Enough said! Good shooting brethern!