Author Topic: Sierra Blitz kings for Coyotes  (Read 2055 times)

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Sierra Blitz kings for Coyotes
« on: September 14, 2008, 06:27:52 PM »
My AR-15 loves 55gr Sierra Blitz king bullets. Are they too explosive for Coyotes? Is a Hornady V-max tougher? ???

Offline Glanceblamm

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Re: Sierra Blitz kings for Coyotes
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2008, 12:18:49 PM »
I love my Sierra's for sure but they are the GameKing bullets (#1390 to be exact) which is a 55gr Hollow point Boat Tail. I use these strictly for varmints but did give some to a sister-in-laws brother to try out in his new Browning Lightning in a .22-250 because they were so accurate. I told him not to use them on the Coyotes as I had also gave him some loads with a hornady bullet for that purpose but before I knew it he had killed 9 Coyotes with those GameKings and was wanting more badly :o ;D
What Did It Do To Them, I Demanded...Oh, around a ping pong ball sized hole on the off side, he replied. He does not skin those yotes so he is ok but I really expected the damage to be worse.
I am not familure with the BlitzKings...they might be too explosive but could also be designed to make an in but not an out for something Coyote sized?

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Re: Sierra Blitz kings for Coyotes
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2008, 12:33:32 PM »
Here are some reviews for you...

I got better accuracy form the Serria bullets than any other brand. They are an excellant small varmint bullet. They are however to thin skinned for coyote. I knocked 1 down hard twice and he still got away. I called Serria and the tech. told me that they were not heave enough for coyote. The Serria bullets have a jacket thickness of .009, the Hornady of .014, just wich they shot as accurately in my gun. 
Submitted by: Catfish  Date: 10/25/2005 
Rifle used: CZ 527 Caliber: .204 Ruger
Hunting performance:  Accuracy performance: 6
Rating is from 1-6, where 6 is best. 

I think that we might know this guy.  ;D

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Re: Sierra Blitz kings for Coyotes
« Reply #3 on: September 16, 2008, 03:29:19 PM »
Yep. the 32 gr. .204 Sierras are to soft. Not sure about the 55 gr. Blitz Kings, but would guess they would work. I was looking for some cheaper bullets for coyotes for the AR figureing that 2 moa at 100 yrds. would work for close shots over a call and when running them with dogs. Sooo, I ordered some of the Mid-South 55 gr. Varmint Nightmares. When the arived I loaded 5 rounds with a mid range load and took them out and put them in a group of .700 at 100 yrds. with my Rock River. I put 1 bullet through a coyotes chest and left a 3 in hole on the off side. Gene put 1 into a coyote from the frount and the bullet did not exit. I`m sure that the Sierras will do better, but I figure that these are good enough for coyote hunting as I cannot shoot better than that under field conditions, and they do perform well on coyotes.

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Re: Sierra Blitz kings for Coyotes
« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2008, 09:10:29 PM »
So .224 bullets and coyotes!   

Just from memory…   

Berger HP Match (40 &50).

Hornady V-Max (32, 35, 40, 50 & 55); SP (50 & 55); SXSP (50 & 55); Hornet (45); HP Match (53), HPBT Match (52).

Nosler BT (40, 50 & 55).

Sierra SPT (45, 50 & 55), HPBT (52, 53 & 55)

Speer TNT (50 & 55).

Starke RPVB (50 & 55).

Remington PLHP (50), PSP (50 & 55)

Winchester OPE (46).

… are all bullets I regularly used to take coyotes with at one time or another over the years with 22 Hornets to 220 Swifts + wildcats, and I am sure there’s other 22 caliber bullets from my early years of P&V hunting that I don’t remember now and are probably discontinued.   

I think it’s more about the effective range of the bullet in the firearm you are shooting it in and of course shot placement.   Most bullets can splash with a poor hit on a coyote, some plow right through with little expansion damage or hydrostatic shock to the animal, some make a difference if you don’t want to sew hides, etc.   But they will all cleanly kill coyotes within their effective range in the firearm shot in and with well placed shots.

I know, I know.   Many of these are not or probably not good choices for a plastic gun, but I’d bet a lot of them would work fine in one.


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Re: Sierra Blitz kings for Coyotes
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2008, 05:21:12 AM »
 I use the blitz king 55 gr for coyote. It generally leaves no exit hole. As for the v-max, I can't say it kills them any better.  Personally I use vmax on groundhogs and crows. Blitzking on coyote. And game king if I'm in an area where I believe there is bobcat and fox with the 223.
Molon labe

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Re: Sierra Blitz kings for Coyotes
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2008, 08:43:40 AM »
What about the Sierra 60gr HP .224 at 223 velocities?