A friend gave me some logs not long ago, when he cut down every tree in his yard!
There's white pine, blue spruce, maple and walnut in there...
The walnut is pretty nice, and as you can see in the first pict., it split part way up when the guy fell it.
Anyway, it was 25 feet to the first limb, and decent in diameter too...
I had it in my mind that just "maybe" i'd get a decent stock blank out of this crotch...
So i loaded it on the mill, and opened it...
I took 1" boards off, and left this thicker piece. There's really isn't anything that i thought would make the kind of blank i'd want on my rifle, so i peeled the bark off and stickered the whole bunch...
Then i decided to mill the split log, so i loaded it on the mill...
The grade was decent and walnut looks best flat sawn, so i started taking 5/4 boards off...
I wanted the natural edge left on the boards, so i only turned the log 180*, and kept sawing untill i had a 10/4 plank left... I also took all the bark off, as that's where the bugs like to hide and lay there eggs...
Here's the tally from the split log... Not too bad considering it was a split log!
Well, that's it for today... Hope you liked the picts...