In hand, a new Interarms Mauser action with standard .473" bolt face and feed rails to match.
As good a modern 98 action as is made IMO. I wouldn't hesitate to use one in any build.
a 'pristine' 1950's (estimated) FN Mauser action, standard length with .532" magnum bolt face and feed rails to match.
To me, the epitome of commercial 98's. I'd love to have one! I keep looking for Sears & Robuck Mausers to try to talk someone out of that "cheap ol' JC Higgins rifle..."
1. I've been told the Mauser actions won't slick up as nice as the Remington or Ruger - is this true?
Of course not... They're just a different feel. But I think someone else commented on that.
2. Which way would you go (regarding the actions) and why?
Easy, I'd keep the IA and also procure the FN.
But you said:
The FN action would get built as a .375 Ruger. The Interarms would get built as a .338-06, .338 Hawk, .35 Whelen or possibly opened up and built as a .375 Ruger.
So whether you end up with one or both actions, the first question you must answer is which cartridge do I want the most. The answer to that will drive your action selection. If it were me I'd eliminate any action modification from the equation, i.e. opening up a bolt face/modifying rails.
Ain't these kind of problems grand!