Tonight I noticed that the forend screw hole on my rifle seems to be slightly off center. The left side of the forend touches the barrel the whole length and the forend iron is noticeably off center to the frame. First thought was to use a rattail file and modify the hole in the forend, but looking at the taper for the screw I'm not sure if this would really move the forend. Second thought is to glue a hardwood plug in the screw hole, skim the taper with a light coating of Acraglass, then re-drill the hole.
I guess the simplest fix would be to enlarge the hole enough to slide the forend over, counter bore the taper part of the hole, fill the taper with Acraglass, re-cut the taper.
Someone else has had to run into this problem, what fix worked for you?
Actually I'm glad I discovered this problem. It gives me hope that the mediocre results I had at the range Wednesday were not entirely my fault. It's much nicer to think part of the problem may be a simple forend fix.