I have a custom built deer rifle (7-08 ackley imp.). I am finding that some of my hand loads seem to have more resistance to the bolt closing than others. I have checked the overall length, the ogive length, the case length and all are very close. I am beginning to think that the difference is somewhere in the shoulder of the case.
I have always set up my dies for a full length resize. However I was recently told by someone that I should set them up to feel a "bump" at the end of the handle downstroke during the resizing/depriming stage. Is this true and could this possibly correct what I am feeling when chambering a round.
Actually, I did already adjust the dies as stated above, and when I ran an already once resized case through, it seemed to round off the shoulder, similar to a Weatherby case. Is this the result of sending an already resized case through again, or is this what happens when you get that "bump" in the down stroke, or could this be something else.
BTW, the dies in question are Redding, but I also use RCBS and Hornady in other calibers.
Thanks for any input