If you prep and clean both metals well, it would probably work fine, there in lies the problem where most DIYs fail tho, getting both surfaces prepped good. The .410 has plenty of metal to drill and tap, so that would be my first choice, even H&R(Gardner did anyway) will drill and tap a .410 Survivor barrel, so I'd expect they would do a Pardner too if that's whatcha got, wouldn't hurt to give them a call.
If you want to try the SuperWeld, I'd rough both surfaces with sandpaper or a dremel sanding drum, degrease and slap some epoxy on. Be sure the metal is at room temp before applying the epoxy, their spec is 60º-85º. The .410 wouldn't need it, but on any heavy kicker I'd use a recoil lug to prevent shearing forces from happening during recoil, the shear strength of epoxy isn't as high as it's compressive spec, 2700psi for SuperWeld, JB Stick is only 800-1000PSI, but there may be other epoxies that have better shear strength tho.