I will personally attest to the fact that Yugo is CORROSIVE, although I knew htat ahead of time. I get sick and tired of SOME retailers showing Yugo as non corrosive or Moldly corrosive or whatever BS they put down there.
If you stick to Wolf, Brnaul, Golden tiger Wolf Classic etc you should be fine. Of course all new commercial production will be fine.
My rule of thumb is this and followed with ALL calibers....if its Comblock issue its corrosive. So OLD Yugo is corrosive, 8mm, x39, .308 etc. All should be treated as corrosive.
I have about 2 cases of the x39 corrosive Yugo and LOVE it. Great ammo and 1979 headstamped on both cases. To clean I disassemble COMPLETELY and wash with water, water removes salt.
I do run a patch down the bore with a spray of windex with Ammonia as well then clean again IMMEDIATELY with water (that ammonia can be bad in too large a quantity--Windex is fine) Dry all parts and lube with light oil of your choice.
If your shooting corrosive make sure to clean gas port, AND op rod as well, not just gas piston (roll rear site ALL the way up) I suppose biggest area besides bore is the gas port hole and gas piston. You can drop these into a bucket of water you know! They don't break or rust away because of water. Dry and oil. I am a cleaning freak but NEVER one issue in thousands and thousands of corrosive rounds.
My regime is to treat most ALL ammo as corrosive. So if I shoot Rossi single and need to clean after firing what is different? Use bore cleaner, brush, bore cleaner, brush WATER patch, brush, water patch, dry patch, Oil. Done. No big deal. It is a touch more work on SKS, AK, FN-49 etc but its well worth it IMHO.
Buy the Yugo if its a deal, great ammo. Just be ready to disassemble your entire SKS when done to clean.
WHICH SKS by the way? Chrome lined bores are more resistant:) yugo rilfes are clean on contact