Author Topic: Tikka/Savage twist rate for factory ammo  (Read 621 times)

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Offline CoffeeInMe

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Tikka/Savage twist rate for factory ammo
« on: December 25, 2008, 04:41:03 AM »
I know I want a 223. My choice is between a Tikka(1 in 8 twist) and Savage(1 in 9 twist). I know both rifles are capable of very tight groups with match grade ammo or hand loads. I probably wont get an answer Im looking for because I would simply need to buy the rifle and try the factory hunting load ammo for myself but I thought someone my have first hand experience. My question is which one do you think would shoot the heavier 55 to 65 grain Factory Hunting ammo the best ?

Offline ms

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Re: Tikka/Savage twist rate for factory ammo
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2008, 04:59:54 AM »

Offline CoffeeInMe

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Re: Tikka/Savage twist rate for factory ammo
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2008, 10:51:19 AM »
Thanks ms. Does your answer come from first hand experience ? If you can explain your answer it would be great. If not then no problem.

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Re: Tikka/Savage twist rate for factory ammo
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2008, 01:03:47 AM »
I don't have a Savage in 223 but I do have a Tikka Varmint with the 1:8 twist. I shoot the 55gr Sierras in mine to about 1/2 MOA with no problem at all. I also loaded up some 40gr which shot OK as well, despite people telling me that they would come apart, they don't.
I have also tried factory ammo ( what a waste of money) 50gr, 55gr, 69gr and 75gr. They all shot pretty well. Should I decide to use a heavier bullet, my rifle shot the 69gr better than 75gr. The others, 5ogr to 60gr all shot about the same. So I decided to keep loading the 55gr as a sort of middle of the road.

Offline rifle_man

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Re: Tikka/Savage twist rate for factory ammo
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2008, 04:50:04 AM »
I know I want a 223. My choice is between a Tikka(1 in 8 twist) and Savage(1 in 9 twist). I know both rifles are capable of very tight groups with match grade ammo or hand loads. I probably wont get an answer Im looking for because I would simply need to buy the rifle and try the factory hunting load ammo for myself but I thought someone my have first hand experience. My question is which one do you think would shoot the heavier 55 to 65 grain Factory Hunting ammo the best ?

I had a tikka in a 223 but now own a Savage in a 223 and I can say this My savage will out shoot the Tikka I had, when it comes to the heavier weigh Factory ammo. It shoots Federal Power-Shok Ammunition 223 Remington 55 Grain Soft Point. a little under and inch but it will shoot Federal Premium Gold Medal Ammunition 223 Remington 77 Grain Sierra MatchKing Hollow Point Boat Tail under and half and inch at 100 yards 5 shot group.
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