I would choose a new 1/9 twist barrrel in either a standard configuration or a standard bull. My decision would depend on if I was going to carry the rifle a lot or sit and watch a lot. For a range gun or one on stand perhaps the standard bull barrel (or if you intended to shoot a lot at one sitting and were concerned with barrel heating). For carry all day through the woods hunting gun where you were hunting game animals and not shooting a 100 rounds at a time in a prarie dof town I would happily go with the standard weight tapered barrel. My standard weight .223 barrel (a 1/12) shoots 3 hole groups you can cover with a dime as do many others here. I use 52 and 55 grain bullets in it for best accuracy....<><....
and by the way, welcome aboard, and Merry CHRISTmas!!!....<><....