Author Topic: Chukars in the wild?  (Read 4932 times)

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Offline GeneRector

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Chukars in the wild?
« on: November 21, 2006, 03:38:29 AM »
 :D  Howdy!  Are there any wild chukars in the United States for hunting?  Or, are they just pen-raised birds released?  There are plenty of game farms where they release pen-raised quail, chukars, and pheasants.  Your views appreciated.  Thanks!

Happy Trails!
Gene Rector
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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2006, 04:21:40 AM »
Several western states have them in the wild. Look on their websites to see which ones. They are usually found in high mountain areas and are serious tough to hunt there. Best be in REAL good shape to go after them there.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Offline Don Fischer

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 07:14:02 AM »
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada and I've heard of them in No. California. The area you hunt them can be varyed. Very very steep hill's to flats and not so steep hill's. To hunt them on flat's, you hunt the river bottom's early and late. Late morning to late afternoon they are usually inroute back up the hill's. I have hunted them off horseback in some places but there are a lot of places you don't even want to walk much less ride a horse. One year I did a lot of hunting at Cottonwood bridge on the John Day River. The climb up was murder and at times I caught the bird's on the side going up and down. I recall shooting at one and sliding down the hill at the same time. The bird fell and landed, dead, about 400yds down the hill. That's about 30yds out and 400yds down! But that people associate that type of terrain with them is because they never start looking until they get there. They also are found in less hospitable country where the huns are more prevailent. Chukars are a great bird to hunt in the very steep country, but it's the country that drew me, not the bird. I could find the bird in much more accessable areas.

By the way, do not confuse the high mountain areas with treed forest's, they ain't there. These are open arid country birds. Lot's of rock and sage bruch and cheat grass. Rattle snakes ad little water although never to far from water. If you find them on a hillside, they alway's fly down hill. They also make a neat "chuk, chuk, chuk" sound when flushed. I'll try to get some photo's of the country later this week if it doesn't get to wet to get in.
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Offline Don Fischer

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 07:29:04 AM »
This photo is up on top of a hill, hunting off horse back. The hill was fairly steep but rideable.

You really wouldn't want to try to hunt that dog off foot! God could he run!!!!!!!!!
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Offline Idaho Ron

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2006, 05:21:52 AM »
Yesterday the wind was bad, but we did ok.
 I hunted Gretta (the solid liver) for her first time this year. She has been off because of a torn ACL from last year. She did very well for the time she hunted. We shot 5 birds over her and she smoked them. Poor birds never had a chance. My son Jacob wing shot this bird. He is big enough now he is able to get it together. I think for a 12 year old he is doing very well. he has shot 6 chukar, 1 sage hen, and a blue grouse so far this year.

Well after lunch we got out Hildie ( the 13 month old white dog). She has never had to deal with wind from the wrong direction. The birds were flushing wild a couple of hundred yards ahead of us. From the tracks it looked like someone had hunted this spot yesterday.
Well we hunted for a while and headed back. On the way back she pointed a single. I thought she was pointing a rat and didn't have a gun ready. Then she pointed again.

This time Jacob was ready and I held off to let him get it.  The bird was hit in the back hard but went over the cliff. We get up there and I see I can get down. Hildie went with me and I cast her. After a couple of nice "overs" she went to the area I thought the bird should be in and found it.

Hildie has had somewhere in the neighborhood  of 40 points and maybe 15 backs on wild chukar this year. Chukar hunting is a little down in Idaho this year but still is better than sitting at home.  We got 12 wild chukar this weekend Ron

Offline Don Fischer

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2006, 06:17:45 AM »
Are they found in great country or what. Great picture's. Is that a SxS your son's using? My favorite dog was white and my favorite gun a 16ga SxS.
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Offline Idaho Ron

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2006, 10:21:23 AM »
Jacob likes to shoot the Browning BSS it is a 20 ga. He shoots it very well but his gun is a 11-87 12 ga.  The BSS is a great shooting gun. I won a  SxS sporting clays tournament with it a few years ago.  Ron

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2006, 12:45:16 PM »
There are wild chuckar in Southern California in the desert environments. There are lots of chuckar hunters in So. Cal.
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Offline lucky guy

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Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2007, 08:58:49 AM »
Here's a few, and yes it is fantastic country.  This is along the Owyhee River in SE Oregon near the Idaho Border.

Offline Upland Idaho

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2007, 11:20:47 AM »
The best wild chukar hunting in the nation (in my humble opinion) is eastern Oregon...followed by western Idaho and northern Nevada.


Karl DeHart

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2007, 06:30:43 PM »
How are the numbers over your way this year?  We're hearing some pretty low counts in E. Or.

Offline Idaho Ron

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2007, 01:16:44 PM »
I hear that our bird numbers here in Idaho have tanked. Well I will still go, but I will focus more on big game than years before.  Ron

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2007, 06:05:18 PM »
Chukar counts are way down for this fact for the chukar counts this is the second lowest count since the helicopter surveys began.  We have had a substantial drought this year.  Usually you worry about too much rain during the early chick stage but not enough rain kept new plant growth low which means fewer insects for the young chicks. 
Karl DeHart

Offline Tony Gable

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2007, 10:43:43 PM »
Hey Guys,
 I live In Sparks,Nev. I hunt chuckar every year. I've been on 6 scouting trips on my ATV this year. Let me tell you that this year is pitiful. In the spring all of the vegetation was dry and grey. Where I've seen birds by the hundreds in the past I've seen only 1 or 2 pair. I've seen a couple of coveys withe about 20 birds but no more. No winter to grow the feed for them. Water ( springs ) everywhere. Not many birds. My friend and I will go out opening day and see what happens. Might only hunt opening day. Gas prices are not helping either. By the way, they are not chuckar. They are fuckares until they are in the game bag. Then they are chuchar. Little bastards will walk you to death chasing them.  Went on a 2 day scouting trip and saw 1 bird in 2 days. Sorry for the grim report fellas but that is what I've seen.


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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #14 on: October 14, 2007, 10:51:43 PM »
Hmmm well the bird in the photograph is a Red Legged Partridge or French Partridge we have them in England too in fact I would guess that these are imports to the US. The Red Legged Partridge is more common here than the Proper English or Grey Partridge. This is due to changes in argiculture and the Grey's seem to require more winter stubble which of course is now all ploughed in for winter wheat, Rape or some other such crop.

These were taken in Hampshire whilst hunting Roe Deer

Offline lucky guy

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Chukars in the wild - Eastern Oregon numbers
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2007, 08:32:44 AM »
I just got back from a couple of days on the Malheur River around Riverside.  We were about 15 miles south of Juntara and about 2 miles north of Riverside.   We found more birds than I expected on the first day.  Three of us hunted for about 5 hours and ended up with 12 chukars and lots more missed!!   My young setter (7 months old) got his first chukars!  Go Ben!  Between us we found 7 coveys that day and they were holding pretty well.  None of the coveys were very big.

The second day it rained most of the day, windy, come fog moving around the bluffs.  REAL PLEASANT!  The birds were in the same areas but were pretty wild and we couldn't get closer than 200 - 300 yds to them before they broke.  Two of us ended up with one more each in about three hours before we said uncle. 

Anybody headed over there we found them both days at about 4000 - 5000 feet, about 500 to 1500 feet above the river on the sides of the steeper bluffs.  We didn't find any up on top.  Others in the group got a couple of pheasant along the river and one of the guys decided the rock doves needed a little thinning and spent some time doing that.

Here's a few pics.   The camp is at the bottom of the canyon in the first pic.


Offline Hank08

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2008, 06:03:52 PM »
The ones we have here are definately wild and the country is just about like that Lucky has pictured.  I can usually find a few without a dog but finding the dead birds without a dog is tough.  Here's a couple i got with my .50 cal. smoothbore flintlock.
Got 3 but only found 2.

Offline BirdHunter94

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2008, 10:00:43 AM »
I know this does not answer the question, But Me, my uncle, and my cousin got some chukars about 6 i think and we shot 5 of them and one got away. we figured it would not last long up in ostego county new york, what with coyotes, and hawks but the next week we were walking in the field and what we thought was a crow turned out to be the chukar. and week after week after that its been scaring the crap out of us as we kick it up. i have been up to the farm in a couple weeks but when i do i want to see if its been surviving the winter.

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Offline catfishfiend

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2009, 06:32:32 AM »
they have them in northern utah too.  we shot them around tremonton and west of there.  i have also hunted them in idaho growing up.  hunting chukar is definitely not for the meat, we seldom shot many, but the grouse would make up for it.  i have seen them in the tx panhandle around the canadian river, but i know those birds either escaped from someone or were released.  there's no open season for them here anyway.

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2009, 03:22:52 PM »
I hunted them as a teen in Nevada, first time for fun, second time for revenge, also hunted then in my college days in central washington, Wyoming has a season on them and saw my first bunch in 20 years on the westen slopes of the bighorn mtns. near tensleep

Offline kiddekop

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Re: Chukars in the wild?
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2009, 02:15:38 PM »
they have them in northern utah too.  we shot them around tremonton and west of there.  i have also hunted them in idaho growing up.  hunting chukar is definitely not for the meat, we seldom shot many, but the grouse would make up for it.  i have seen them in the tx panhandle around the canadian river, but i know those birds either escaped from someone or were released.  there's no open season for them here anyway.
U.S. Park Service Mojave National Preserve in eastern San Bernardino County,CA but I know other areas in the deserts of S Calif where I worked in LE for 12 years that have Chukars.They were in areas near our home location,a neighbor asked me to identify an unusual bird sitting on his block wall it was a chukar.