Hi fellas,
I happen to be holding a Model 50 in my lap at this very moment. Mom bought it for dad in the mid 50s for a Christmas present. I restocked it with a McMillan glass stock, pillar bedded. Dad had trigger work and the bolt lapped in.
A current production Remington cannot compare to the workmanship of these rifles. I own plenty of Remingtons. I would grant you that Remingtons are likely stiffer due to the tube steel action, and probably easier to accurize. The barrels were in fact made by, or subbed out to someone for High Standard. This gun is nice. Never been a super tackdriver, but that said, it loves Hornaday Light Magnum 06 150 grain ammoand will put shot after shot into a 1" group at 100.
The Model 50 came in .270 and 06. If you find one and want an 06 and can live with blued steel and a 22" barrel, you can't do any better functionally.
Merry Christmas