I was about 15 years old and decided to fish a trout stream in New England.
I had a war surplus rubber 2 man raft. The plan was to load all my gear in the raft. sleeping hammock, camping stuff.f etc. I would tow it down stream pulling it along until I got to the place i wanted to camp. All went well until that night
I awoke to see something glowing in the dark about 25 or 30 feet away from me.
I watched it for perhaps 15 minutes and it never moved. I got up and walked to wards it and stopped. Still no movement. I had never experienced anything like this before. To make a long story short, I walked up to it and found to my amazement that it was a fungus that was glowing in the dark. The area glowing was about 4 foot by 7 foot. I cut some off and went back to sleep. Next morning I went back over to it and it looked like any normal fungus in the daylight. Just thought I would relate this to you.