On THE OPEN RANGE, a contributor, MONGOOSE, said he used unsized .38 Special cases to hold a charge of BP for his .36 Cap & Ball revolvers. He topped each case with the ball intended for that chamber by merely pressing it firmly on top of the case. In use he suggested that one "might" remove the ball with ones teeth!
http://www.theopenrange.net/forum/index.php?topic=326.0I tried it, less the teeth trick, and it works! I found that the ball can be removed by a firm pinch between the thumb and the second knuckle, Hold the ball in the same pinch and pour the powder into the chamber and then the ball, as per normal drill. I didn't find the process remarkably quick, but you can leave the loading bag behind!
I was worried about security of the loaded case. At range practice, sit them upright in a .44 plastic cartridge box. In the field, wrap a cylinder-full of loads in an aluminum foil wrapper. I placed five loads, head to tail in each package.
I also tried some .44 loads, using .44 Rem. Mag cases. I spilt one on my loading bench during the preparation phase. After that I REALLY pressed the ball down which made removal a bit too difficult. A bit of practice is indicated.
I've only tried this once, but plan to continue.