I use a Lee punch with a hammer like Rustyinfla described; one out of a Lee load all kit. I then run a deburring tool around the primer pocket to knock off the crimp. I then separate all brass by head stamp also looking for brass problems like split case mouths or dents to big to ignore. I then run them through a vibratory cleaner or tumbler. I then full Length size, clean the primer pockets and deburr the primer holes from the inside. After that I trim to length and deburr the case mouths. I am ready to start reloading. Some of the steps are really not needed, it is just me being me. The primer pocket cleaning, deburring the inside of the flash hole is being a little fussy. Cleaning before full length sizing is a must however to keep from damaging your die. If you want top performance you wil need to work up a load for every head stamp. If you do not care about top performance just use beginning loads for the powder you are using, but expect slightly different POI for each case. Even Military cases can vary between head stamps. Some people like the economy of using military brass and some just find it to be a hassle. Good Luck and Good Shooting