Another indicator that the PGC DOES NOT represent the sportsman. There was some supposed gypsy moth damage on State Game Lands. I was there scouting this summer and saw very little (if any). OK, so the PGC sells the lumber rights for a couple hundred thousand. If there is damage, I guess I can see making some use of the wood before it rots. But I saw NONE this summer. And then for the most part, only the damaged trees should go. But our PGC gave the OK to remove over 90% of the trees on the SGL. This area happens to be right next to a very large area of Game Lands that has already been "Clear Cut". Sort of RAPING the forrest and wildlife if you ask me. And now,,,,, guess when the work was scheduled to start???
It started last week! The first week of Deer Season! Does anyone else see anything wrong with this? Or am I just wacked in the head for thinking that they could hold off for another couple weeks?!