Author Topic: How long can you leave a air gun cocked without damage?  (Read 2414 times)

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Offline simplicity

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How long can you leave a air gun cocked without damage?
« on: February 02, 2009, 03:57:35 AM »
Hey everyone I just picked up a  rws model 48 in 22cal. I have had someone tell me that I can't leave it cocked for more then a few minutes or it will damage the spring. I can understand leaveing it cocker while storing it over long periods of time will damamge it. I just wondering if I leave it cocked while I'm out hunting say 4-5 hours to a time will harm the spring? Any info would be great.

Offline IOWA DON

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Re: How long can you leave a air gun cocked without damage?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2009, 05:47:08 AM »
My son accidentily left my 124 FWB cocked overnight and its penatration was about half what it was before. However, during the next day or so it appeared that the spring accually recovered its original power and penetration was about like before. That was about 30 years ago and before I had a chronograph so I cannot give any good before and after velocity figures. Now I never leave a spring air rifle cocked for more than a couple minutes.

Offline Larry Gibson

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Re: How long can you leave a air gun cocked without damage?
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2009, 08:44:47 AM »
You can carry the M48 around cocked for the day of hunting/shooting without any problems or damage to the spring.  Most of us shoot our "springers" quite a bit when we carry/hunt with them so s "day" cocked is a pretty long time.  Most of us don't leave them cocked over night though.  You can uncock the M48 without firing it and leave the pellet in the chamber if you want to.  I  do that on my springers, including my M54, all the time.  Thus is is easy to just cock the rifle when a target of opportunity presents itself.

To uncock; grasp the barrel as you normally do to cock it and break the action pulling the barrel down in the "cocked" position so you can feel spring compression.  The butt of the rifle should be braced against the body where it is when you normally cock the rifle.  Hold the barrel solidly with the spring compressed and release the safety and pull the trigger easing the barrel out until the bear trap engages.  Let go of the rifle ith the trigger finger hand and release the bear trap (keep holding the spring tension with the barrel) and ease the barrel out to the extended position.  A few practice times and it will come easy.  The rifle is now uncocked but has a pellet loaded. All you need do to fire is cock the action, line up on the target, release the safety, aim and smoothly pull the trigger.

Extensive tests have been conducted because this is an oft asked question. The test results showed no damage or weakening of the spring when left cocked for for as long as several weeks.  Don't worry about it.  However, all springer mainsprings will take a "set" after a thousand or so shots have been fired. This is normal and should not be confused with the spring weakening.

Larry Gibson

Offline simplicity

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Re: How long can you leave a air gun cocked without damage?
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2009, 09:12:06 AM »
Thanks guys for the replys and info. pretty much I'm just going to hunt woodchucks with it and the area will probly be loaded with them so it really won't be cocked all that long to a time. but it is good to know that I can leave it cocked for a few hours with no probs. thanks again.

Offline Mack in N.C.

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Re: How long can you leave a air gun cocked without damage?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2009, 03:32:03 PM »
i walked around my moms farmland for aprox 1 hr yesterday evening right up to dark t try and catch some bunnies in the paths and food plots....didnt see any.....shot the pellet as i left.....if i hunt for 4 hrs and dont see anything which is unusual i will shoot it at aprox 2 hrs and then when i leave.......from what i hear 4hrs or eevn all day is ok its just i get paronoid about my guns.......mack