I am hoping we return the US to her former glory myself ,but maybe that is not possible..
I mean ,We ,ALL, built a Saturn Five Rocket.
We ALL Helped the USS Nautilus Crash through that Ice.
We ALL ,Pushed Allen Shepherd to Go into Space.
We All knew People would be Starving if it were not for U.S.
We ALL pulled that Little Girl out of that Well in Midland Texas.
We ALL stayed Brave and never gave up when, Apollo 13 was on Her way Home.
We all fainted When Chuck Yeager Broke the Sound Barrier.
We All made a Company called, Microsoft , RCA , GE , Westinghouse , Zenith , Boeing ,Hughes , Grumman , GM ,Jeep , Ford , Harley Davidson and Indian Motor cycles ETC!!!!!
Names like ,,The Marines , 82nd Airborne , 7th Fleet , NORAD.
Heroes like ,JFK ,Reagan ,then some other guys ....
We made ,CCR , Alabama , Tom Petty , George Strait ,Lenard Skinnerd , Elvis , Jewel , John Anderson , Pat Benatar and Fleetwood Mac.
Television was never the same as we saw Worlds we would never see , Story's we would Dream about , and The Silver Screen showed us Entire Reality's we only read or dreamed of.
Then we saw :
We Buried JFK ,and Regan.
We ,Watched as Our Shuttles Burnt into Fire balls.
Our Military became a Police force with no real direction.
Our hero's were silly People on a Show called,Surviver.
Our kids Lost all Concept of an America built on hard work and faith.
Our Company's had to Build cheap, o, junk to compete with cheap imports ,then the Imports became better.
All of a sudden the Gun Owner was Categorized as the Nuts who were shooting up our Society .
Our Media was as bad as the tabloids that line the Super Market Isles.
Our Millitary is feared even by the ones who supported Them when others were calling them Murderers ,this is a dangerous bond to brake Guys.
And this was all just our last two generations.
But we are still the kids who watched Niel Armstrong Step onto the Moon.
We are still the ones who can look at a 57 Chevy and say WOW.
And we are all the Ones who cried on 9/11.
We Dont want to Hurt anyone from Any place in this Country .. We, So want to be Americans now and Forever.
To see the Next things our Children will do as the future Heroes of this Country, Ours WAS, the Greatest Generation .
And we Hope we never hear the names, Shiloh , Antietam , Gettysburg , ever again.