Well, you had better luck with Savage customer service than I did. I replaced my stock about 5 years ago on my 116 .3006. I ordered a prefit, only to have to shorten the screws to get it to work, and then the stock broke. I couldn't deal with the stock company, as I had removed material from the stock,(as was directed to do in the instructions, so it was not a true pre-fit). I called Savage, and told them what I needed to mount the original stock back on the gun. I offered up front to pay for the screws, as it was my fault they needed to be shortened. The customer service guy started preaching to me, about shortening the screws,..etc, etc, and that Savage would not warranty the gun. I told the guy, I was not looking for a handout, that I wanted to just purchase new screws to mount the original stock back on with. Finally after asking to speak to his supervisor, did I get the help I needed. Though I did pay $10 for the forearm screw alone. That hurt my wallet a little that day.