Author Topic: Calling Duration?  (Read 413 times)

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Offline buckshooter

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Calling Duration?
« on: January 24, 2009, 10:18:48 AM »
I have experimented with all sorts of different coyote calling techniques here in the hills of south eastern Ohio.  So fare, I have only been able to call in and shoot at one coyote.  My question is this: How long should my calling sequences last?  For example, should it be" 1 minute on 5 minutes off" or " 2 minutes on 10 minutes off?" 

I would like to say that I believe I have called in coyotes on several occasions, but did not get a shot.  I am using full camo, playing the wind, and using sun light and natural barriers to my advantage.  So, if I could just figure out what durations to use, I think I will have much more success. 

Any input would be greatly appreciated. 

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Offline Howler

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Re: Calling Duration?
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2009, 07:34:27 PM »
IMO, the type of terrain you are calling is the most determining factor.. FWIW, most any coyote close enough to hear your call will be quick to respond unless its been educated or the sound is to loud & causes the dog to become suspicous & circle down wind..  I like to use calls built for close in work or that are just natural as far as sound volume when starting a stand or for calling timber land.. As far as duration, use as little sound as possible.!  The coyote is pin pointing your location everytime you call (your down wind location if educated/suspicous) so leave him guessing & make him hunt the sound by useing as little as possible & broadcasting it in different directions..
Hope that helps. 
