I would like a Sako, but.... They are both mass produced with all that entails, ie. Tolerances produced by their QA departments. I have 3 Tikkas, the 308 is sub MOA, the 223 is 1/2 MOA and the 243 is beyond good, awesome I believe is the word used in the US. I could buy three more in the same calibers and situations could be reversed, IE, the 243 could just be sub MOA. I think there is a certain luck of the draw when guying any mass produced article. I believe, just my opinion, that Tikka's represent a great value for money option in a saturated market, I am not willing to have 1 Sako instead of 2 Tikka's. I have a friend with a Sako that cannot match the accuracy of 2 of my Tikka's, it is just luck of the draw.