Author Topic: Definition of 'Natural Born Citizen'  (Read 378 times)

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Definition of 'Natural Born Citizen'
« on: January 21, 2009, 10:36:37 AM »
By this definition, Obama and McCain were both ineligible-

Fifty Caliber Institute Newsletter
 Issue 3; Vol. 4


Obama Citizenship Still a Thorny Question

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On August 24th this year, then US Senator Obama was sued in US District Court by Philip J. Berg Esq. ( over the question if Barak Obama was qualified to hold the office of President of the United States to which he aspired and was campaigning for. Philip Berg’s lawsuit alleged that Barak Obama:

Is not a natural Born Citizen
Lost his citizenship when he was adopted in Indonesia; and/or
Has duel loyalties because of his citizenship with Kenya and Indonesia.
This controversy has been raging since the lawsuit was filed and the issue is not closed yet. An old and good friend of the fifty caliber community and I have been exchanging emails on this subject and I’d like to share some of what he has said:
I was reviewing the latest Internet news on the Obama birth certificate saga and found an extensive article by someone trying to document what the definition of "natural born citizen" is by citing various court cases. The question has raged for weeks in the blogosphere as to what constitutes a "natural born citizen" and people have questioned why the Founding Fathers did not define what they meant in the Constitution. The actual truth is, that all questions about Obama’s birth certificate are an obfuscation; birth in Kenya, lost citizenship due to his stepfathers legal shenanigans in Indonesia and while all are very intriguing, they are irrelevant in proving that he is ineligible to be President. In addition, Congress has passed unconstitutional laws regarding "natural born citizenship" and the definition has changed repeatedly according to their whim of the moment. Congress did not know the source of the original wording.

The Constitution trumps all of their meaningless laws and does not change over time. In 1905 the Supreme Court ruled that "The Constitution is a written instrument. As such its meaning does not alter. That which is meant when adopted, it means now." [South Carolina v. United States, 26US Supreme Court 110, 111 (1905)]. In light of this ruling, I thought there must be some contemporaneous literature which proves what the Founding Fathers meant by ‘natural born citizen’ since their failure to include a definition suggests that there was a commonly-understood and accepted meaning at that time."

Thinking about it for several hours, a name that I had run across in the "Federalist Papers" came to mind, I put "Vattel" in my search engine: up came ,Vattel’s "The Law of Nations" (see: It was written in 1758 by the Swiss diplomat and lawyer Emmerich de Vattel. (see: on the Constitution Society’s website. I have not seen any other writer address this fact because almost no one has heard of it, which is a sad testimony to how we have forgotten our heritage.

Sure enough I found the answer in Chapter XIX of Book I, entitled "OF OUR NATIVE COUNTRY, AND SEVERAL THINGS THAT RELATE TO IT." Vattel states in Part 212: "The natives, or naturalborn citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens." Since Vattel’s work was well known throughout the colonies and constitutes evidence as to the contemporaneous definition of "natural born citizen" intended by the Founding Fathers. Since Obama was admittedly born of a Kenyan father, even if he was born on U.S. soil he is not a natural born citizen. Because of the Vattel’s reference, we now know the definition and don’t need a Supreme Court ruling, which would likely go against us since we have only four of nine conservatives. Of course, if this is widely publicized it might help hold them accountable.

As further evidence, I read an article that Obama and some other Democrats pushed a Resolution through pertaining to McCain’s citizenship status with the ulterior motive of having it apply to Obama. During the Senate Judiciary hearing Dept. of Homeland Security Chertoff said that "My assumption and my understanding is that if you are born of American parents, you are naturally a natural-born American citizen." (see: Unfortunately McCain was born in Panama, not US soil but land under the Canal Zone lease. Therefore by the Vattel definition he is not a natural-born citizen either!

The issue regarding Barak Obama’s right to be elected to the office of President of the United States will probably remain one of those matters of controversy for years to come. Like the Kennedy Assassination the story is rift with issues that will drive the conspiracy theorists nuts. I for one believe that Barak Obama is not qualified to hold the office of President of the United States. However, that is not my biggest concern over this issue. What concerns me most is, this serves as one of the most glaring examples of what we as a people are faced with. If Barak Obama has the power to cover up a story as well as they did his illegitimacy as a Presidential Candidate during an American Presidential election, then we are in terrible peril. The political machine that can orchestrate that kind of power and control is something to be very afraid of. When the powers behind the recent election can just suspend the United States Constitution, I for one am not kidding myself about what to expect regarding the next four (4) years. I expect the worse and I think law abiding gun owners as well as everyone else are in very serious peril. 
John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.