I usually set up with a revolver laying in my lap, and a rifle in my hands. I've never had one come up and land in my lap, but just in case, I have the revolver. I haven't used a scoped contender pistol for 'yotes, but I usually use scoped rifles. A low power with heavy plex is my preference. Gonna be trying my new 17 rem contender bbl next.
I knew a guy that had a bobcat land on him once while calling on a setup. He never even heard it or knew it was there until it was on top of him. It jumped him and knocked him over, but he said he could tell the cat was trying to backpedal in air the last couple of feet when it realized it wasn't landing on it's dinner! He was scraped up a little but unhurt. He never even saw the direction the cat took off in, as he was busy picking himself up and wondering what the @%&@! happened.
I do think I remember him saying he had to throw that pair of shorts away though. Just no way to salvage them...