Don't let Mr. Rooson fool ya. Everyone who lives in Texas lives in Paradise. My apologies, RB, for the following format. I had to do everything "by the numbers" for 29 years in the Army, and I'd just as soon refrain from your requirement.
The original owner of my alias, Captain A. H. (Hamp) Cox, commanded the Texas Ranger company (Company "B", Frontier Forces) in 1870-1871 in which my 17-year old great grandfather, and his 55-year old father both served. The younger of my ancestors was a private, and the elder was the unit's medical officer, holding the rank of Captain. Intrestingly, according to their discharge papers, both were allowed to retain their 1866 Winchester carbines upon their discharge, and both had $30 deducted from their final pay for that purpose.
I've been involved in CAS for about four years now, have shot duelist for about two years (or senior duelist where offered) and am seriously considering transitioning to double duelist. I shoot a pair of stainless RVs (both with genuine stag grips my wife and son gave me this past Christmas) and an 1894 Marlin, all in .44 Mag, and either a Rossi Coach gun (w/hammers) or a single trigger Stevens 5100, both in 12 gauge. I'm very fortunate in that my wife, Texanna Trueheart, also enjoys CAS, is my CAS shooting buddy, and we are both SASS members. She shoots blue RVs and a Marlin 1894, all in .357 mag, and a Fox Model "B" in 20 gauge. I do all the reloading for both of us on a Dillon RL 550B and a pair of MECs.
This has been a "dry" year for me, shooting wise, as I had cataract surgery in Feb., neck surgery in May, and will have cataract surgery on the other eye next month. Next year's got to be better, but just think how much better I'll do when I can actually see the targets.