finally got to the pro shop today, they also say 31" with this bow, no stop adjustment pull till you get to the end. arrow is about 1" from riser at
comfotable draw, it is at 55lb now and will probably go to 65-70 lb, hope 55lb will work for elk. I shot it about 20 times and can feel it, will know more in am.
i had a trufire crackshot three finger thumb release, borowed my buddie trufire wrist release. The wrist release works way better, so i bought a
trufire huricane. With the thumb release i was having trouble keeping 6 arrows on one target, with the wrist release i could keep all in the big circle guess 12"
this is fun they are closed sunday and monday but open till 7pm rest of the week and they are on my way home, can be there by 5:30.
we are going to check speed next vist, Tuesday feel like a kid with a new toy