Author Topic: Winchester Mod 12 - info wanted  (Read 994 times)

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Offline scootrd

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Winchester Mod 12 - info wanted
« on: May 31, 2009, 04:36:05 PM »
I was looking at my grandfathers shotgun tonight. I readily admit I am not a shotgun person.  (Bolt action, whitetail hunter personally)
I have Bird hunted maybe 5 times in my life. I have no use for this shotgun and with no other boys to inherit it in my family ) My sister doesn't want my nephews to learn to shoot (don't get me started   :-\   ) was thinking of possibly selling it. Was hoping for some info and history regarding this model,  and approximate cost one could be bought or sold for.
serial number is 10222XX
Barrel says model 12 - 12 GA , 2 3/4 Cham.  IMP CYL

The Barrel appears to be 26" in length.
What does the IMP CYL indicate?
Does anyone know year of manufacture?
Any other anecdotal history on a this model shotgun would like to share would be appreciated.
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Offline dukkillr

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Re: Winchester Mod 12 - info wanted
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2009, 05:18:53 PM »
Smooth barrel or vent rib?  If ribbed is it a simmons?  2 bead?
26" barrel?

Made in 1946
Imp Cyl = Improved cylinder, a relatively open choke best for small upland game and birds or close clay targets like those in Skeet. 

You're looking at the best quail gun ever made.  Not nearly as common as the 28" Mod or the 30" Full.  I looked for one in good condition for years before getting one about a year ago.  You'll run into them in bad condition, or with a gigantic hideous poly choke, or no rib... but a good clean one with factory parts and finish is somewhat rare among general run M-12s.

The M-12 is, and will probably always be the best shotgun ever made for any game you can hunt with 2 3/4" shells.  Fast and flawless pumping, recoil locking bolt, impossible to jam when loading (as opposed to the new king 870).  They were military issue until it became too expensive and govt started going to stamped out guns.  They balance well and are lighter than most guns in their class.  Slicker than any gun made today.

It's comparatively difficult to clean the guts of M-12.  They have lots of little parts, particularly when compared to modern shotguns.

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Re: Winchester Mod 12 - info wanted
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2009, 08:12:39 PM »
Thnaks for the response
yes... 26 inch barrel
Do you happen to know approx range in value low-high depending on condition ? I don't want to get taken on a sale

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Offline dukkillr

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Re: Winchester Mod 12 - info wanted
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2009, 06:58:03 AM »
It's hard to tell from that picture.  It looks like the blueing is ok but not great and the butt plate is factory?  Are the serial numbers on the receiver and barrel matching?

Assuming so I'd think you could sell that gun at auction around here and expect to get in the 350-450 range.  If you held out for a good deal you might get 600 from a M-12 fan who has had trouble finding a 26" Imp Cyl. 

I paid just under 500 for the last one I bought and it had a simmons rib and much better blueing. 

The market has gotten softer on M-12s in the last several years as more old gun owners are dying and young shooters and collectors don't understand the value of a quality made product.