I think you'r choice would make good double duty gun.my only recommendation would be to crank that scope all the way down.I shoot a 22 hornet,223 and a 220 swift for coyotes.Forced during this part of year on wma's becouse of game laws to use 22mag or big game rifle wearing blaze orange.Fox is rim fire only makes a lot of sice huh no matter what i use i always turn my scope power down becouse they will i repeat they will bust out on top of you at 20 30 yards more times than at 200.well if i was hunting in wide open then mybe id turn it up.some warning if you are new to the sport it is adictive in every way.I blow my calls while driving everyday i fall asleep with my predater calls every night.I cant even find anyone to ride with me anymore.In fact i sitting here in my camo pajamas blowing a call as i write this.Let us know how it goes