Author Topic: Passive Resistance.  (Read 412 times)

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Offline bilmac

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Passive Resistance.
« on: February 19, 2009, 03:44:15 AM »
We all are gun people, our first reaction to a problem most often involves getting a gun in hand. I have been that way for years. But now a light bulb has gone off. Instead of thinking about armed confrontation why not use some brain cells thinking about the inherent weaknesses of the current Federal Government and how we can make them impotant. I think the Montana State government is started down the path that my save us. (See Hunting In Montana--House shoots down Federal gun controls. I intend to see if I can get the same sort of State Government action going in Wyoming, we should be leading this charge as one of the most conservative states in the Union.

Here is an example of what I can see happening     "Welfare Reform Wyoming Style"

> Stop taking Federal welfare money, we will take care of our own thank you. Cost us maybe $100,000 a year.

> Let all needs be handled by churches. The State will match all church money spent

> Encourage Churches to give aid in the form of non-easy aid. If you need food here is a sack of beans, now you won't starve will      you.

> The State will provide one way bus tickets to New York City to anyone referred to them by the Churches.

The idea of passive resistance is not to give the aggressors an excuse to pull the trigger. Say the Dems decide it is time to show those country bumpkins to have some respect,so they order the military to your town. I think we agree that a good share of the military are on our side. So instead of meeting them at the city limits with deer rifles at port arms, we meet them with a goodwill truck full of coffee and donuts. Of course all the towns guns aren't in town anymore they are out in Henrys barn.

Think about a military commander ordered to attack people he agrees with by people he hates. Suppose he might get lost on his way to the objective, and by golly somehow the element of surprise was lost, there was a leak about the mission. How about a sergeant whose officers are loyal to the feds. He might just forget to tighten a crucial bolt in his M-1

Billy   in one of his more lucid moments made the suggestion that a person could loosen the bolts on a power transmission line going to a city.

The Dems are in power because they got lots of votes from the slugs in our society.(plus lots of votes from dead people and Mickey Mouse and the like) On our side we have people who work, people who joined the military because they are patriots, people who believe in God, people who are tired of supporting the slugs who vote for Dems. We ought to be able to win this thing without destroying our country.

How about we put some brain power into how to destroy the commies for real instead of how many 223 bullets we will need

Offline phalanx

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Re: Passive Resistance.
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2009, 04:55:10 AM »
bilmac really does have a point there , this attitude was used in one of History's greatest conquest.
When the Senate of Rome saw it necessary to send its legions to Egypt and restore order ,Caesar amassed 30 ships to sail to the port of Alexandria with 3 legions of the Soldiers that had crushed Gaul. 
The entire Army of the Child Pharaoh Tullimane gathered on the banks ,waiting and anticipating a major Battle with Rome.

Caesar gathered all the weapons from his Army's and put then in the hold of one of the Ships.
Then he gave every Soldier 20 pieces of Silver ,and told them to remove their Helmets ,and go mingle into the Crowd and cause no trouble.
Go immediately to the market place and spend like its a Holiday ,have fun ,and enjoy the riches of Egypt.
Brilliant , the people of Egypt loved it , hugging the Romans and even opening even their Homes to them in a grand celebration.

Tullimane looked like an idiot , His people and his Army deserted him.
Not one death on eiather side , but it was the final blow to the Egyptian Dynasty.

But remember blimac , the Army you are talking about that may come to your Home town will most likely be elements of the 3rd ID.
Under Janet Neapoliano , the head of HLS.
The History Channel in their series ( Gang Land ) showed this Army was the one that had all the MS 13 , Crips and Bloods in it.
They owe their loyalty to the Gang first and the Army second.
The History Channel said it would make the atrocity's used by Sherman in the Civil War look Tame. 
Police in California responded to a Liquor Store Burglary where one of these thugs with an SKS took out three officers as soon as the arrived.
One Cop was an Iraq War Veteran and recognized the tactics he was useing and was able to counter him and take him out.
Judging from the History of our present Administration , it would not surprise me at all to see these Troops go on a Looting spree .
So be careful in trusting anyone even if they are in Uniform.
I would trust my Local LE far more than any Bunch that Obama sent.
In this time i Command ,That you take the Secular to Jerusalem .
There you rid the Holy City of the Scourge of Islam , Make the streets run red with the Blood of those who wish to wash Israel and Christianity from the face of the Earth.
Constantine III