I don't have an Encore set up with a wood stock right now so I can't help you there.
I switch forearms between barrels; there is no need for separate forearms. I've also never bedded or floated an Encore forend; I get great results without that fiddling so see no reason to do it.
If you've had your Encore for several years and are just now starting to expand your horizons, you must have remarkable self control. I don't ever seem to be able to pass up a good deal on an Encore or Contender barrel. An Encore rifle, compared to the usual bolt action rifle, is fairly short so, even with a 28 inch barrel, I don't think they're unwieldy. I have a couple of tapered 24 inch barrels which are also nice. I think a 24 inch 22-250 barrel would be fine but a 28 incher would probably give you another 50 to 75 fps in velocity; not that it matters that much.