i can't get a straight answer from any one at cva, mark never has got back to me, and the others i spoke with either didn't know if it was bad, or couldn't make up their minds. some said it was ok, that the same drill made the holes for the optima as did the optima elite, so since the optima elite had interchangable barrels the pin was removable, and the optima's pin is loose but was ok. then i get someone else telling me the frames are made on different machines and that the pins on the basic optima was supposed to be tight and not come out. so i get some who say don't send back not a problem, and others who say send back we will fix it. what if i send it back and one of those that said not to gets it, they said it wasn't a warranty issue and would send it back to me c.o.d., then i'm out money sending and getting back. i think i'm just gonna sell both guns, i just don't know if mine is ok or not. don't know which of those other brands to get guess i'll make another post on that one. thanks to everyone who tried to help.