I do not believe that any intelligent life traveled across the universe to see Obama ,or to put up with us.
Also we have to consider the E=mc2 equation.
To the travelers they would have to travel even faster than light.
300,000Km Per second ,if even out there doing this for 15 minutes their time.
3 million years would have passed on the planet or home they had came from.
I feel the evidence is far more sinister than space aliens.
Like this guy.
What would you think if you looked up and saw this coming at you ?
A friend of mine had that happen to him ,he took these shots with his cell phone.
He rushed them to me and i know what they are ,and so does Obama.
Remember this.
http://www.blumpkin.org/assets/obamaufo.htmlIt was a real stir that ET loved Obama also.
Then answer me this.
At the highest security event of recent time ,why is this thing NOT being chased by Jet Fighters ?
In fact how did it even get that close without sirens blaring and missiles being launched ?
Because this greasy Chicago Thug had gotten his hands on some of the most well kept military secrets in the world.
It was most likely a ,Hay ,look ive done it affair.
Its also why he could care less about you and me trying to stop him.