These are the same two handguns that I considered recently. I chose the Ruger because it's a lot stronger and I want to shoot heavy loads through it, but the Tracker is nice.
The gunshop owner where I bought the Ruger is a friend of mine, and he own's both handguns so I had the chance to shoot them both. They're both nice and shoot really accurately, but I can't help but wonder about the longevity of the Taurus. I have an earlier model in .357 that's starting to have some problems, but it's also seen some use.
The Ruger I bought had a clunky feel to he action, the trigger had some creep and was too heavy, and the bright stainless (it's a vaquero) didn't turn me on much for hunting. After a wolf spring kit, bead blasting, and some work to smooth up the action and trigger though, it's GREAT. I love it!
The basic guns both cost about the same here, and I think both are good firearms. With the work I had done, the Ruger cost me a little more but IMO it's now a lot better gun than the other.
I'm not sure if that will help, but maybe it'll give you something to consider.