if beaver are raising cain with your creek, then $200 for setup and 1 beaver, and $100 thereafter, is very cheap.
I charge $150 for setup, and $125 for each beaver-
beaver aren;lt hard ot trap, but taking that last one or two can be- and for those w/o beaver experience, they can prove baffling for several reassons.
but it can be learned- and if you want to do it yourself, I'd call Tom (Bogmaster) and get a good book or video, some traps, etc- and learn- the worst you can do, is pi$$ them off- and sometimes just doing that in smaller areas will move thme on.
but if you decide not too, then you need to ask how bad is the damage, and if not to bad, try to find a trapper that will trap for free during season- but keep in mind, he wouldn't take the effort to get them all for the measly money beaver is bringing, and if you are southern that would be $0.
and if you can't, then get the pro.
Also keep in mind, that if you hire a trapper, the price often increases if someone else has been trying first- for me, if they call someone else after my quote, and then decide they want me for last 1 or 2- my price doubles. Why? Sometimes nothing can be harder to take beaver that are trap shy and have been messed with. and in ADC, one left is like leaving all...........