In Michigan it's the law if it's a traffic stop, you have to tell the officer your carrying right away (if you have one with you)...but other than traffic stops, you can be right next to police officers in public and are not obligated to offer any info on you carrying. Bottom line is here they already know you have a permit in a traffic stop before you tell them anyways. I would suppose if you were involved in a rucus somewhere and they showed up, it's up to them to ask, but after they get your name and run it, they will know you have a CCW then anyways, then they would probably ask if your carrying if they thought they needed to. Every state has different laws, and not even all the leo's in the state know the laws that well in some cases. If I get pulled over I make sure the window is down before I stop and when stopped, I have both hands in very plain sight, first words that get spoken are "I am carrying a concealed weapon officer, how do you want me to proceed." They seem to like that a lot and are very friendly after that. Only been pulled over a few times in the last several years, couple times were for a light out somewhere, and one for speeding, got a bit of a break on the speeding, I was going rather fast that day.