Author Topic: MBABR MATCH  (Read 1003 times)

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Offline mattmillerrx

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« on: February 10, 2009, 03:09:37 AM »
There is one on March 14th at Tri City Gun Club.  I plan to shoot in it.  Not sure at this point if it is open to public or range only match.  I have had this 03a3 for a year now and still haven't shot this match.  I worked on loads last year and found one that was ok but work on some new ones last weekend that look promising.  Hopefully, I can find time for a little more testing and get loaded up for the match.

Thought I would see if anyone on here shoots in this match or at this range.

Offline Cecil

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« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 03:56:47 AM »
You might stop by R&S gun service in Moore most of those guys are members of Tri city and some shoot in the Military bolt match. I am a member of Okc gun club, there match is the first sat of the month I believe its open to the public, You can go to the web sight and find out for sure.

Offline mattmillerrx

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« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2009, 11:13:08 AM »
Well thanks for the info.  Speaking of R&S, have you used them for any work?  I have a revolver I want to get drilled and tapped for a scope.  I have a card from there, from the one time I have been in over a year ago, that says they do repair, rebarrel and reblueing, so I am assuming they will do a drill and tap to begin with.  The only other gun smith I even know of is one at H&H.

Sorry, I have not done much research as to who does good work or work at all, this is a new idea.  It may take me a few years before I get around to getting it done anyway with the way I do things so no hurry.

By the way I got signed up for the match, but still know very little about it.

Offline Cecil

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« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2009, 04:06:55 AM »
I have dealt with Roy for close to thirty years he does good work and stands behind it. I am sure he can drill and tap for scope.Okc match is 1 sight er target, 2 targets for group, 3 for score, 10 shot per target, 50 shots scored
 At Okc most are down loading its easier on the shoulder and rifle, If you go to Okc gun club web click on benchrest then Military bolt scroll down to reloads they have down loaded recipes.                                                         

Offline mattmillerrx

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« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2009, 04:20:25 PM »
I shot the match today.  I felt pretty good with my scores.  I learned alot, and actually improved as the match went on.  I did not get to practice at all between testing loads and the match so it took a couple rounds to get going.  The first two rounds are 10 shots in 10 min for group.  I shot a 3.2 something in the first round and a 3.5 something in the second rounds.  My first string for score I actually shot the best group I have seen out of this gun and measured at 2.4 something and scored a 96-4 (4 is X's) then I shot a 94 in the second string for score ( I bumped my sight closing the bolt on one and dropped down into the 6 ring but luckily it cut the 7 ring line).  If it had not been for it, it would have been my best scoring string.  The last I shot a 96-1.  There were 21 shooters by my count and the unofficial results had me in 8th for group size and in 7th for score. 

I learned a few tricks about shooting iron sites I am going to practice with.  I also have already got the stuff to neck size only my brass as most everyone was doing at this shoot I found out.  So once I start that and learn to shoot better I will see what this gun and I are capable of.