I have two Swedish rollers in 12.7 X44R. I use Starline .50-70 brass and Lyman dies. The cases need to have the rims narrowed in diameter to fit the chamber, and I shorten them about 20 thou'. The cases can be just sized enough to fit, but no more. The bullet is Lyman 515139 (350 grain.) unsized.
When I got my m17 like yours, I found the chambers even tighter. I could not size the .50-70 cases enough, and had to resort to cases made from .348 Winchester as they are slightly narrower just in front of the rim. I also had to size the bullets to .512. Even then the overall loaded length of the ammo was shorter than for the rolling blocks. I have only used GOEX FFg or Pyrodex.
I have some 16 gauge brass Magtechs, and some BRI plastic cases. I cut the plastic cases to 67mm and can roll crimp them or use my MEC press to make a 'jam-roll". That is, use the regular crimp stations of the press to crease and then fold the case mouth down over the overshot card to make an open star crimp.