"No it was not an executive order. Here are all the executive orders signed todate by Obama."
You are right, it wasn't an excecutive order. Instead, it's an example of how bureautcrats "imporve" on ideas their bosses have in mind. That's a common thing in government and is much more often the case than any executive plan limits, as such.
Gov. surplus is sold as surplus, not even in this instance as reloadable brass at a higher value. It brings a higher bid price because our bidders know they can get a better return. If they couldn't they wouldn't bid and it would be sold to those who WILL melt it down. The gov. knows this too.
Interesting thing is the gov. wants us to believe it was "only for over seas sales, not CONUS." Nothing in the gov's memos to the various purchasing agents HERE said that. In fact, it said the reverse. It's been dropped, for now, only because the BO team has more on their messy plates than they and their propoganda wing, aka the "mainstream media", can manipulate.
Anyone wishing to see a ray of hope that BO isn't, in the long term, directly behind this will be disappointed when he gets time to put the screws to us in more serious ways. We gonna see some "moderate" restrictions on what we can own and some serious "tobacco", "alcohol" and "fuel" type high taxes on new guns, scopes, ammo and components. Such taxes are NOT intented to raise gov. income, per se, but to change the peons actions by pricing things out of their reach; those aren't called "sin" taxes for nothing.
When our masters think they need to maneuver us they love to use cost - taxes - to do it. That has become "the (gov) American way!" We know, or should know, that Democrats/Liberals/Socialists want us without firearms, of any sort, not for "crime" or "the children", but so they can more easily control us. But, law won't do it, they don;t want a Constitutional fight. And they wouldn't even want to make an outright prohibition, their rich supporters want to keep their guns as much as we do. So, the gov will have to install a program that acomplishes both goals, geet ours, leave the rich alone. They know what that plan must be, and that's taxes. Pay the taxes, keep your guns. Otherwise, give them up. What must come first is a "common sense gun law", just for a few taxes and some form of registration. The more serious taxes will come later, after the registration.
They also know that, at first, the registration must be near painless. It will start that way. Only after they get a master list of (law abiding) gun owners and what they own can they start seriously raising taxes on our personally owned guns - an annual federal AND state "property tax" - until we must give them up.
Taxes won't have to be fought over in court. The SCOTOS has repeatedly ruled the gov. can tax as they see fit. Taxes are the only way they can they prevent us peon's owning guns while leaving a way for the rich and powerful (who massively support the Dems) to retain theirs. Neat solution to the Dems/liberals "problem" of us common folk having guns, huh? And it's coming too, our new and envigorated masters WILL do it, or at least as far as they can take it for now, make no hopeful mistake about it.
They would like to do it all fast but that's politically impossible if done suddenly and they know it. It will probably require a couple more presidential elections but socialists are paitent when they have to be. They know all they are likely to get soon are the high taxes on the purchase of new guns and ammo side of things and some form of the registration steps of the total program. The gov loonie (is that redundant?) who jumped the gun, so to speak, on stopping the sell of surplus brass knows where the BO/Dem admin is headed.
Or am I wrong, is that not what the top level Democrats seek? Just watch it unfold, tell me over some 6-10 years from now.