Scott: I've worn bi-focals for about 8 years now and have changed my prescription a couple of times due to aging eyeballs - the rest of me stays young forever, of course, but the eyes needed glasses.
First couple of prescriptions I got were a royal pita - had to lift my head up to go to the lower part of the lens for close up work and then try and go back and forth to make sure I had a good sight picture on the target whilst holding the sights in perfect picture - you know how well that works.
Then I got whizzed and my glasses bit the big one so I went back for another set and while examining my eyeballs the doctor said - oh, you need a new prescription. OK, but don't give me that 'melded' bi-focal crap, or those 'progressive lenses' or the ones with the line in them on accounta it drives me nuts and I can't shoot fer schmidt wearing those.
So they changed it so that when I wear my glasses normally (hold my head normally and look straight on through the middle part of the lens) I can see clearly to about 50' or so but then have to look through the upper part of the lens to see distance clearly - like to about 125-150 yds and I read through the lower part. This gives me a great sight picture for handgun use and allows me to use open rifle sights pretty accurately.
There may not be anything wrong with your prescription, it might just be the way your glasses are set up for you. Previously, I would have to lift my head to use the lower part of the lenses to obtain a good sight picture, then hold steady (hopefully) and re-focus through the upper part of the lens for a good view of the target. Now I is more normal, I think...... You may want to see of your eye doctor can do anything about your lenses. HTH. Mikey.