Author Topic: Any hope for a new 5mm rifle?  (Read 440 times)

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Offline Arier Blut

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Any hope for a new 5mm rifle?
« on: March 22, 2009, 09:54:32 PM »
 There were rumors out that Savage and CZ were going to make a 5mm mag since centurion makes the ammo now. I saw a tracker pistol was being made in the caliber. Anyone hear anything on a rifle? This has been going on for a year now. My 592's barrel is gone. I would be better off hurling rocks with a slingshot.

Aguilla is leaking that they have plans to up the velocity since they are at about half the pressure of the original cartridge with today's powders. Claims are 2600-2700 in 30 gr bullet. If that is possible it would put it at 450-485 ft lbs.