Author Topic: Hog Attrectant: A different angle  (Read 1456 times)

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Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« on: March 14, 2009, 12:01:42 PM »

   I just wanted to mention another type of attractant other than something to eat. We all know that pigs are quite easy to bring in with "bait" but they also love to rub and waller. I have known some guys who take an old piece of carpet and soak it thoroughly with burnt motor oil or better yet old fish cooking oil or turkey oil. It is then nailed around a big tree in an area known for pig activity. The pigs will rub against it to rid thenselves of pests and parisites. The cooking oil works best since it smells like something to eat, but the motor oil works good to. Of course, a healthy pile of bait nearby would help bring them in but I have known  this to work repeatedly even after the pigs have left the area. Try it, it just may work for you, Good Luck, and God Bless.
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Re: Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2009, 08:19:42 AM »
Besides burnt oil etc... if you soak the rag in cresoate, or pour it on a tree, fence post etc.. it will work as well.

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Re: Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 12:46:58 AM »
Sure would hate to see someone's future hunting place get mess up with used motor oil.  A little goes a long way and getting too much won't take too long. 

Were I to use something like that I would tend toward used or unused cooking oil as it would be so much better on the local environment than motor oil. 

Creosote too is very harsh and long lived in the environment and probably carcinogenic to humans. 


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Re: Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2009, 05:32:00 PM »
the power line company's around here use creosote to protect the poles. You can always tell when they just put some out as the hogs have rubbed it all off. We still use it to protect fence posts etc... Also I have seen hogs rubbing on medicated cattle rubs.

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Re: Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2009, 11:04:03 AM »
I tend to eat all the hogs I kill.  Adding a carcenogen to the environment, like used motor oil or creosote, that is absorbed through the skin does not sound like good meat seasoning to me. 

It is understandable that the power company is trying to keep its infrastructure in place for another five to ten years before the next rate hike is requested to replace those poles.  I have seen them also use hardware cloth on the lower end of poles to prevent such rubbing in Management Areas where the hogs will be food.

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Re: Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2009, 03:35:58 AM »
Sure would hate to see someone's future hunting place get mess up with used motor oil.  A little goes a long way and getting too much won't take too long. 

Were I to use something like that I would tend toward used or unused cooking oil as it would be so much better on the local environment than motor oil. 

Creosote too is very harsh and long lived in the environment and probably carcinogenic to humans. 

Land_Owner you hit the nail on the head about Creosote and used motor oil.  Why any one would use something that is illegal to just dump into the enviroment is beyond me.  Used cooking oil is made from a food base and will not harm anything.  One guy in Hawaii takes an old rope and wraps the base of a tree, then rubs a rag that has used cooking oil made from avacado, coconuts and or macadamia nuts.  These are oil bases that the hogs are used to.

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Re: Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2009, 04:36:57 AM »
I don't like the part about nailing a piece of oily carpet to a tree.  It might harm the tree.  However I have wired a piece of carpet to a t-post and poured a little used motor oil into it as I wired it from the bottom up. This way you don't get any on the ground (not much anyway).  Here in Texas there is a real hog problem and not all hogs shot are eaten, especially the big ones.  I have had the pigs rub this till the carpet is gone and then continue to rub the post till it was worn shiny long after the oil is gone. I think some of the medical rubs were kerosene based years ago.  Using used cooking would most likey have the hogs tear up your piece of carpet and eat it.  Used motor oil is far less of an environmental problem than a lot of people think especially in small amounts.  I use less than half a quart when I set a T-post up with carpet and oil it.  You can use new transmission fluid also with the same results.
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Re: Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2009, 07:45:29 AM »
I have a corn feeder that is suspended from an oak tree limb.  I use a boat trailer winch, cable, and pulleys to raise and lower the 55-gal. drum feeder and 300# of corn.  To prevent the winch standard (a fence post post-holed into the ground to refusal between the oak tree roots) from rotating in the ground, I erected aluminum wire outrigger cables from 20 penny nails near the winch to 4' long "eye bolts" of heated rebar driven into the ground about four feet on each side of the winch.  The hogs are routinely rubbing the wire until it breaks.  Aluminum wire is not too strong and I didn't foresee this in the plan.  Now I need to wire it with cable.  Give them an inch and they take a mile...just like kids!

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Re: Hog Attrectant: A different angle
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2009, 04:18:12 AM »
I have had hogs chew thru hydraulic lines on my tractor.  They can do some pretty odd things that cost you some bucks.  One time I poured some soured corn juice in the sandy road thet led to my hunting partners stand and they dug a great big hole that stopped his S10 nose into the sand and back wheels off the ground; that was funny!
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