Fully agree with you on the science behind making hunting decisions. I just plain love to hunt with my long bows, recurves, or self bows, so any excuse to stay longer in the woods is good for me. Plus, here in southern MI, even though we take several does off the farm I hunt, we hardly put a dent in the population. Last year, while removing stands in January, I stopped counting does and yearlings in the mid-30s that were filing out of the swamp to the picked corn fields on top of the ridges. Don't agree with the if it's brown it's down theory as we try to not shoot small bucks on the farm, including buttons. The results are pictures and sightings of larger bucks than we've ever seen. This is not a large farm and we have hunters surrounding us, but some of those small bucks will survive and be larger next year.
Best of luck to all this fall.