First off, I must ask you if you have been able to communicate with the seller to find out any more info? Second, I have been looking into the various gas-operated auto's from Luigi Franchi S.P.A.. Models that fit your description for the unknown gun:
Model 48/AL Ultra Light Shotgun: Recoil operated, takedown, hammerless shotgun w/ tubular magazine. Gauges 12 or 20 (2.75-inches); 12-ga. Magnum )3-inch chamber). Bbls. 24-to 32-inch w/ various choke combinations. Weight 5 lbs. 2 oz. (20 gauge) to 6.25lbs. (12 ga.) Checkered pistol-grip walnut stock and forend w/high gloss finish.
Standard Model $365
Hunter or Magnum Models $395
Model 500 Standard Autoloader: 12 gauge, 4-shot magazine. Bbls. 26, 28-inch ven rib; IC,M,IM,F chokes. Weight about 7 lbs. Checkered pistol-grip stock and forearm. Made 1976-80. $315
Model 520 Deluxe: Same as Model 500, except higher grade w/ engraved receiver. Made 1975-79. $350
Model 520 Eldorado Gold: Same as Model 520, except custom grade w/ engraved and gol-inlade receiver, finer quality wood. Intro. 1977. $745
Model 610VS Semiautomatic Shotgun: Gas-operated Variopress system adjustable to function w/ 2.75- or- 3 inch shells. 12 gauge, 4-shot magazine. 26- or 28 inch vent rib bbls. w/ Franchoke tubes. Weight: 7 lbs. 2 oz. 47.5 inches overall. Alloy receiver w/ four-lug rotating bolt and loaded chamber indicator. Checkered European walnut buttstock and forearm w/ satin finish. Imported 1997-98.
Standard SV Model $435
Engraved SVL Model $475