Hell, I've been watched for years!
They already know all they want to know about me.
They arn't very good at keeping secrets.
All I ask is that they spell the name right.
Wouldn't want someone else being watched by mistake.
I think they could better spend their time watching real criminals
then worry about us.
If they leave us alone we will leave them alone.
Is that so hard to understand?
Who do they think we are, Randy Weaver or Tim McVeigh?
Hell, we don't want to destroy the world.
We just want to be treated fairly and live in it, PEACEABLY!!!
If we ever harm this country then by all means, come after us, but untill then, just leave us alone!
Our government has gotten so wired with the idea that no one but them should have any say in how this country is run.
Well guess what!
We do have a say and we will say it with our votes!
Time to wake up congress and listen to the people or you may soon find yourself right down here with us with no say in the matter.