Back when I was a pre-teen,(12) I used to save my lunch money for arrows. I would go down to the hardware store and buy a 1/2 dozen or doz, depended on how much I had. The arrows? Bear port orford cedar, spined for my 60" Bear Kodiak@45#. Price, (Oh how I wish I would have, at least an orginal box or "A" arrow) $6.50 for a 1/2 doz. At the time Easton was making inroads with aluminum, but at 20 bucks a dozen, there was no way. Eventually, with a job and the help of my parents, I purchased a dozen easton arrows, size,1916. Eventually wood arrows were pretty hard to find, along with everything traditional, then the resurgence, thank goodness, But the PRICE!!! Sticker shock to say the least. Needless to say I havn't shot a wood arrow out of my Recuves or longbow since, going by memory now, about 1973. Not long ago I was almost tempted to get a dozen made up by one of the reputable companies but it just hasn't materialized yet. Why? well I really never thought about it until I read your post. I guess it's just the way it has been for so long, it's just what I shoot. I to have been knocking around the idea of shooting carbon, now that it's not such a mystery with trditional archery. Also, I love the smell of cedar arrows, just never did like to break 'em or dare I say "lose 'em". Fortunatley back then,a carton of milk cost me a nickel. CRASH87