The big difference WQ is that in Canada, specific traps are being tested- and only that specific trap qualifies if passed- similar traps or indeed the SAME trap with a different name wil lnot pass under that test.
Here- the suite concept is being used- that is- if a trap with certain characteristics passes, all similar traps withinbn the specifications also passes.
As you might be finding out- the Eastern coyote BMPs are something that just about ever trapper can live with. (to head off any debate here-- the BMP train already left the station) I feel very good about the results as printed. Regardless of some misunderstanding (delibrately or not) on the testing of a 1.5 softcatch by some that really don't seem to understand the concept of the testing, the results are something any coyote trapper should approve.
Comments like "why was the softcatch listed first? Is that the recommended trap that they are going to make us use? Testing trappers not traps" are, well, idiotic.