Author Topic: My Most Happy Moment  (Read 1311 times)

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Offline jamesrus

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My Most Happy Moment
« on: October 27, 2008, 06:56:44 AM »
Since i was told this was in the wrong place and it got about we start over.

I know there are a lot of parents on here. I always thought that the moment i was saved by Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour that it was the most joyous moment in my life. But i found out different the other day. My 6 year old daughter has been raised in Church and has recently been asking lots of questions about being saved and what it meant. We always tried to explain it to her and even got our Pastor to talk to her about it.  Several times she has gone forward to the alter and prayed with the Pastor or his wife, who is her Sunday school teacher.  Our Pastor has told us she was asking all the right questions but just didnt seem ready. She told me the other day as i was talking to her about it that it felt as if something were pulling on her heart.  Well this last week we were having a revival at our Church when she once again went forward and talked to the Evangelist. Well it happened. She committed her life to Jesus. She had all the right answers and understood that she was making a promise to Jesus and committing her soul to him.  Now I know some out there believe that 6 is too young to understand what is going on, but who are we to make that judgement? Only Jesus can say that. But the moment she stood there in front of the Church and told everyone she had been saved.....I cried with joy. I realized my salvation wasnt nearly as joyful for me as hers was. Now I know that I will see her in Heaven when we get there. I know my Lord will be there with open arms waiting for her when her time comes.

We have a little thing we do at our Church when someone is saved or moves their membership from another Church to ours. We have a 7 foot tall Cross in the front corner of the Church that has a rear support beam  behind it. Everyone who is saved in our Church gets to nail a nail into the front of the cross to symbolize they understand the sacrifice Jesus gave for our sins. And the people who transfer to our Church drive a nail into the Support beam showing they will help support the Church.  My little girl chose the highest point on the front for her nail. The associate Pastor had to hold her up so she could put her nail in. As I looked around i saw many faces with tears streaming down. All of her "aunts and uncles", "grannies and grampies", all the older people she has adopted as her family were feeling what i felt. Every soul i see saved make me happier and happier.


     Re: my most happy moment
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2008, 07:43:12 PM » 



I had to go to her "public" school the other day and protect her right to free speech when she told a teacher we didnt come from monkeys. Her exact words were "Maybe you came from a monkey but I didnt I came from Jesus."  She wants to go to the private school our Church runs, but we cant afford the tuition this year, Maybe next year I can after i get my License and a raise.


Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: My Most Happy Moment
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2008, 07:09:38 AM »
What goes on in the mind of a child, is never known to any but the child (and God). The way the child israised can, and ususally does, set a set of gears in motion that points the childs intelect in a direction, good or bad.

God knows what in in your childs heart, and it seems you have set the child on a path that pleases God, and he is speaking to her in her heart.

Offline okielectrician

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Re: My Most Happy Moment
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2009, 04:40:45 PM »
Congradulations James on your daughter putting on Christ I know you are one happy dad.
The proudest moment in my life was when I baptized my son and I hope to be around to tell my grandkids about Jesus.
Thank God for the woods and the critters that inhabit them