How-do, GB!
We can mutually AGREE on one thing for sure:
The handloader is himself personally responsible for what he chooses to put into his loads. Period!
Yes, I know that we can get away with a lot (most of the time, anyway), and no one is hurt or blowup. I've had my share of rubbing a rabbit's foot, keeping my fingers crossed, etc before touching off a hot load. I don't do those things anymore, after having a few close calls and seeing the results of friends that DID continue to load hot.
I have no problem with knowledgeable, experienced folks like yourself making warm and hot loads and getting great results. I just choose not to do it anymore.
I'm fond of P.O. Ackley's statement that (paraphrasing) "A handloader can make chamber pressures whatever he wants them to be."
As a kid growing up in a military community, my favorite non-work-non-play activity was stopping by the big gunshop in town and browsing, looking, and just listening to the old-tymers talk guns. The smell of leather, gun oil, and the whir of machinery in the gunsmith's shop downstairs.
The one thing that DID make a lasting impression on me were the many displays of blownup guns, ruptured barrels, shattered actions and barrels, and the little postcard-sized legends that described what happened to MAKE the gun like that. Boy oh boy, that sure made me think GUN SAFETY all the time!
Anyway, there is nothing wrong with disagreement, discussion, and exchanging ideas and opinions. It's GREAT that we can do this. Please remember, there are plenty of other places in the world where people CAN NOT speak/write freely without getting into serious trouble.